Current Puppies


Sherry Bryant, Q-Tee Chihuahuahuas, and I worked together the last several years with our breeding and showing.  Sherry liked to whelp puppies, was great at saving the little guys and loved to socialize puppies.  I like the training and showing end of it.  We have been very happy with the results of crossing our lines.  Unfortunately, due to health reasons Sherry

has had to discontinue breeding and showing Chihuahuas.  We are still very good friends and I truly miss our past joint activities with the Chihuahuas.  I am currently showing Hurd’s Q-Tee Fancy, one of the last puppies Sherry bred.  I wish to thank Sherry  for letting me have “Fancy” and know Fancy made her proud by winning a five point major at the Nashville Chihuahua Club  Specialty from the puppy class under breeder judge Richard Miller.    She is sired by Ch. Hurd’s Q-Tee Silver Moon X Cinco-C Anna Moke Supreme.


                                      NOW- CH. HURD’S Q-TEE FANCY!



I wish to start off the “Current Puppies” by showing baby pictures of

my newest champions along with their show pictures. 

        Ch. Hurd’s Q-Tee Gimmie Another Tri

       Ch. Hurd’s Q-Tee Bluelight Special

              Ch. Hurd’s Q-Tee Silver Moon

                 Ch. Hurd’s Q-Tee Dark Knight

      Ch. Hurd’s Q-Tee Knight Ryder

                    Ch. Hurd’s Ruby Red Dress (on right)

On far left is Hurd’s Good Golly Miss Jolly who now has a lovely litter  (1m 1f) sired by Ch. Hurd’s Q-Tee Dark Knight

       Ch. Hurd’s Dancing With The Stars

  Ch. Hurd’s N TLC’s It’s A Wonderful Life

      (Co-Owned with Laurie Thompson

          Ch. Hurd’s Willie Whistle Back

                              2 0 1 1

Since Sherry Bryant’s retirement from breeding and showing I have begun to co-own and co-breed with Laurie Thompson, TLC Chihuahuas.  As you can see from the following photos, it is working out well.

Ch. TLC & Hurd’s Fringe Benefits pictured finish-

ing to her championship at St. Joseph KC, handled by breeder and co-owner Laurie Thompson.

Hurd N TLC’s Catch Me If You Can, bred and

owned by Max E. Hurd and Laurie Thompson,

handled by Laurie winning Best of Winners for

a four pt. major at Cambridge, MN.

TLC N Hurd’s Lord of the Ring, co-owned with

Laurie Thompson, handled by Max Hurd going

Best of Winners from the Puppy Class to win

his first major.  Sired by Ch. TLC’s Hot Topic

Ch.TLC & Hurd’s League of Her Own, bred and

co-owned by Laurie Thompson, handled by owners is pictured finishing to her championship.   Litter sister to Ch. Fringe Benefits, sired by Ch. Hurd’s Prom Knight, his 23rd champion get. 

Hurd’s HiHo Silver (full brother to Ch. Trixie, Blue and

Moony) pictured winning his first major at the Nebraska

KC Show under judge Jackie Stacey, handled by

breeder Max E. Hurd, co-breeder Sherry Bryant.





HIS SECOND MAJOR!   10/09/11

             F  L  A  S  H  !  !   !  !  !

   A N D    B Y   THE    WAY  !       



Ch. Hurd N TLC’s Funny Girl

          (“Fanny” for short.)

and I won the 9 to 12 Mos. Puppy

Bitch Class in both the Sweeps and Regular Classes AND went


at the CCofA National Specialty